Stopping Tomorrow’s Sophisticated Threats With Hybrid Mesh Firewall [US]
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 1:00 PM - 1:25 PM
Kimberly Becan David Lorti

Operational complexity across an expanding network environment is inhibiting IT and Security teams’ abilities to support secure digital innovation and remote workforces. With the IT estate spanning branches, campuses, data centers, cloud and IoT and OT environments, managing and securing disparate applications, assets and data across hybrid environments is eclipsing the ability of teams and budgets to keep up. During this session, you’ll learn about:

  • How to reduce operational complexity by unifying visibility and management across even the most complex network environments
  • The important emerging technologies, such as Hybrid Mesh Firewalls and associated security capabilities, that help organizations adopt and enforce a unified and centralized policy and management framework across the hybrid network
Virtual Session Link